Autumn has come and with it the next EclipseCon Europe. I am looking forward to lots of interesting talks and discussions. Over the years EclipseCon has definitely become one of my favorite conferences. Again, the program committee did a great job setting up a great setting up the presentation line-up and I am hoping to learn lots of new things.
This time I am especially excited, as Birgit and I will present together our new testing framework Jnario. For Jnario we created a set of DSLs based on Xtend making specifying and testing Java a lot easier. I have been using Jnario myself now for over a year and I can honestly say that I cannot imagine going back to writing plain JUnit tests again. If you want to learn how to write specs that test and document your programs at the same time, join our talk on Thursday 25th, 10:30am - 11:30am for a hands-on demonstration of behavior-driven development with Jnario.
But that is not everything, there are lots of other great talks I am looking forward to attend:
- Learn how to use Xtend a great new language for the JVM.
- An introduction to Yakindu, a model-based development workbench for embedded systems which makes a really well thought out impression.
- Using . Mocking can be powerful tool aiding the design of your programs, if used right.
- Seven Languages for the JVM - a great demonstration of what is possible with Xtext & Xbase.
- Knowing Sebastian, I expect a well thought out talk about null-safety in Eclipse.